You gave us confidence to be us

Of course, you’ve heard about Pamela Anderson. The famous actress and amazing woman who keeps surprising the word. And unless you have been living under the rock, you probably know that she shocked the world when she decided to embrace her natural beauty and show up without make up for Paris Fashion Week in 2023.
She said she didn’t think much when she did it but we all watched. She inspired many women and showed us that we do not need to follow the same path everyone else does. Her simple act went viral as once again, she broke the rules. And good for her! And good for us, as well! We need more women like that. We need to be the women that break boundaries!
Her simple act was right on time for me as it coincided with my eye surgery. An eye surgery meant that I would have to go makeup free for a while. Now I was never big into make up and all I did daily was put mascara on but I still felt naked skipping on that. So Pamela gave me confidence. If she can do it, then I can do it! Not that I’m half as pretty as she is, but because she had the courage to show up to the world like that. Meaning I can for sure show up like that for work.
Now my eye surgery went really well but my eyes were so sensitive that I could not wear mascara for months. I am able to wear it now, but the truth is, I want to embrace who I am as well. I want to be who I am without any pretence.
So I went one step further and also stopped dyeing my hair. I now fully embrace my weird brown hair colour and no makeup. It has been freeing but it has not been easy. Because it is one thing to want to embrace who you are, but it is a completely different thing to actually live that. Good thing we have Pamela on every internet page reminding us that it is okay!
So Thank You, Pamela Anderson! Thank you for encouraging women to be who they are and showing us that we do not have to hide!
Here is the link to her latest book. Whan an amazing woman!