Simple steps to make your life better this year

[My original post can be found on Medium]
Most of us make New Year’s Resolutions, hoping for a better year ahead, only to find ourselves break those plans in the first month. I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions, as I think we should try and improve our lives all the time, not just in January. However, if you are planning to start something new, here are a few ideas that will make a big difference in life.
Find yourself a workout routine
If working out is not part of your routine yet, then it is definitely time to start now. It is never too late, and you don’t have to go lift weights right away. You can start small by going for a walk daily. You can go at lunch time or after work, or even before. Whatever is easiest to incorporate into your daily life. And once you have a solid habit, you may find yourself wanting to expand your routine with strength training to make sure you keep the muscle mass as the years go by.
Having enough muscle mass to support your body is vital as we age as it helps keep us healthier, have faster metabolism and stronger bones. But if you just need to start somewhere, then start by walking. You body and mind will thank you!
Cook at home
If you are used to eating take aways, then another great change that you can make is to start cooking at home. Then cook more so you can bring leftovers to work. This is another change that can seem daunting at the start but adds up to better health and often weight loss.
I know most of us don’t have time to spend time in the kitchen when we get home after work. Myself, I would love nothing else but to sit back and relax after a long day at work and an hour spent in traffic, but I have seen first-hand what difference food can make.
Nourishing your body with home cooked meals doesn’t have to be difficult either. Start simple: buy some sort of protein (chicken or other meat, tofu if you’re vegan), a few vegetables and some healthy fats (avocado, olive oil). Roast chicken and veggies in the oven with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and a splash of olive oil. You can boil some rice in the meantime if you are looking for a more satisfying meal. I love this simple recipe as it provides a nourishing meal, but you don’t have to sit and look at the oven while it cooks. Put the food in, come back after 40 minutes or so and it’s ready.
Work on your mental health
There are plenty of ways to do that and we should all be taking care of our mental health just as much as we are taking care of our bodies.
Find ways to reduce stress in your life. Breathing exercises are great for that, incorporated with meditation, having time for yourself (watching TV does not count), reading a book and relaxing.
Avoid drama, practice gratitude daily
I like to spend 5 minutes before sleep thinking about all the good things that happened and what I am grateful for. If you believe in a Higher Power, be it God, the Universe or anything else, thank them for what you have.
Watch the way you talk to and about yourself
How many times have you called yourself names because you did something silly? How many times have you talked or thought about yourself in less than positive ways? The way we speak and think about ourselves make a huge impact on our reality and happiness. Try and notice anytime you say or think something negative about yourself, then stop and correct it. Change the mindset, say something positive about yourself instead.
You can also practice in front of the mirror. Stand in front of it and repeat positive mantras about yourself. Choose whatever you feel lacking right now and make it positive. Here are some examples:
I am enough
I am worthy
I am proud of myself
I am beautiful
I am strong.
I deserve to be happy
I trust myself
You don’t have to dive in and make all the changes at once but choose one thing and work on it.
Make sure you are improving your life and your mindset and this year will be better than ever!