Ignite Your Inner Spirit: Learning the Skills to Awaken to, and Connect with, the Most Important Part of You

A review of the book Ignite Your Inner Spirit, written by JB Owen, Beejal Coulson and Yendre Shen
Ignite Your Inner Spirit book
Picture of the book Ignite Your Inner Spirit from Amazon.com

To be completely honest, it took me almost a month to finish this book and several times I was wondering if I even should. When I started reading, I thought this was interesting. But not all stories were relevant to me, and I enjoyed some more than others. There were a few I skipped altogether.

Now all stories are very unique and some will make you stop and reflect on your own life. Some might even make you cry. Others – you will either read it with no joy, or you will skip it. It is not an easy read and it is not a book you will finish in a day. It took me 3 weeks and that is only because I skipped a few stories.

Each author starts with the main message they want to give us, then gives their life story and insights of how they connected with their inner spirits. After that, there is always next steps, called Ignite Action Steps, where author gives their advice on how to find your own way. Many of those steps can be implemented easily, although some will require more time.

Ignite Your Inner Spirit is a book of reflections and I cannot say that everyone will love this book. I think you need to be in a right and open headspace to read it. I believe if you are at the crossroads at the moment, you will find this book important and helpful. Otherwise, it may not speak to you but maybe can still help reflect on your own life.

When I initially picked this book up, I was expecting something different. Maybe more positive You Can Do It attitude. Not to say that it is a negative book, not at all. But it did not give me a kick where I would go: you know what, I can do it, let’s go!

I still encourage people to give it a go though and see what you can get out of it yourself. The reviews online are amazing so chances are the book simply wasn’t right for me at the moment in life that I am in right now.

My book review: 3 of 5.

You can buy this book on Amazon using my affiliate link.

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