Wash the Dishes to Wash the Dishes

Have I reached a milestone in mindfulness?

Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday

I am having a perfect Sunday today. As I woke up this morning, it was raining outside. I checked the weather app – all day is going to be rainy and windy. I horrible day to go anywhere. But do you know what this weather is perfect for? That’s right, cozy stay-at-home day!

The day is perfect for sitting in silence, listening to the rain, enjoying a hot cup of coffee (or tea) and reading a book. Or writing. I managed to do both today.

I am currently reading “The miracle of mindfulness”, a book written by the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. I have been reading this book for a few days now. Some things he writes about blows my mind (in a good way) and I think of all the ways to implement his teachings. I find myself more mindful at my normal day activities and it feels great.

Wash the dishes to wash the dishes

Other times, I read the book and think I cannot believe what I am reading! I mean, this is some deep stuff, and I don’t know that this is what I need. Or even understand. How did I even end up with this book in the first place?

So, this is my Sunday – reading mind blowing books and enjoying the quiet. At one point I found myself just sitting and enjoying the process of sitting. Then I thought to myself: I don’t think I can be bored anymore. I mean, I literally enjoy sitting doing nothing. In fact, I sometimes complain that I don’t have enough time to do that. I must have mastered some sort of level of mindfulness to feel this way! Are there levels or milestones?

Wash the dishes to wash the dishes

I wrote about rushing through life a few months ago. Well, I believe I have changed that for myself. Slow and mindful is what I strive for right now. I don’t always succeed but the books I have been reading have definitely helped me. And meditation. Meditation is gold.

Do you know, you don’t always have to meditate, as in to focus on your breathing and ignore the thoughts going through. Sometimes instead of proper meditation I just sit in quiet, with my eyes closed and let myself be. I let my thoughts wonder and see where it will take me. Sometimes it is helpful to let go of things, sometimes it is great for new ideas. Sometimes it’s just a good way to relax and rest.

Life can be erratic and it’s great to remind ourselves that it does not have to be this way. Most of the time we make it erratic and busy by rushing and looking for distractions.

Wash the dishes to wash the dishes

How do you feel about staying still? Do you enjoy the quiet or do you find yourself reaching for a mobile phone or TV remote the second it gets quiet?

Here is the link to the book if you are interested:

Thich Nhat Hanh’s gentle anecdotes and practical exercises help us to arrive at greater self-understanding and peacefulness, whether we are beginners or advanced students. Irrespective of our particular religious beliefs, we can begin to reap the immense benefits that meditation has been scientifically proven to offer. We can all learn how to be mindful and experience the miracle of mindfulness for ourselves.

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