If I can do it, You can do it!

Many people think that happiness comes from external events. And of course, we are all happy when we get a present, a call from a friend, when we hear a kind word. But did you know that you can be just as happy every day even by yourself?
Happiness is an inside job. Here’s what I do. Every morning when I wake up, I set my intentions for the day. While I lay in bed, I think about what a great day it is going to be, what I will be doing and how lucky I am to be doing all those things. Then when I stand by my coffee machine waiting for my magic morning drink, I sometimes even do a little dance. How grateful I am to have woken up and have this great day ahead of me!
Now you must think I live some different life from others. Well, no, I don’t! I get up early, drive to gym, workout, then head to office. Just like many other people. But it is how I look at my life that keeps me happy.
When I work out, I think how grateful I am to have this amazing body, to be able to do all the things I do. When I go for a walk on lunch (and I always go for a walk), I again think how amazing it is that I am able to go for a walk.
When I look at the mirror, I smile and send myself good thoughts. When I sit in traffic after work, I thank Universe for my car, for music blasting, for the ability to experience every day. I also sing!
Then before I go to sleep, I thank Universe for the day I had. I think about all that I am grateful for, I send good thoughts to the people I love, and I set my intentions for the next day.
See here’s the thing. When you think that life is easy and great, life is actually easy and great! It is all about your intentions and the energy you emit!
I know some people may think this sounds strange but give it a try. Set yourself reminders if you have to, and really make time to feel grateful and happy. It may feel weird at first, but once you start feeling it, you will never want to go back.
And the bonus is that people around you see this as well. It makes people around you feel better and little by little we start changing the world around us for the better.
I hope you have a wonderful day! I know I will!
Sending love and hugs to you!