Do it anyway!

Most of us hate change. The idea of letting go of the known and safe can be overwhelming. Even when we know something doesn’t serve us anymore, it can be difficult to let go. Because, who knows what is waiting for us when we do? Could it be worse?
But what if it is better?
As scary as change is, it is the only way to learn and grow. It is the only way to improve. Because if we keep doing the same thing, then the outcome will be the same as well. To think otherwise would be foolish.
So when you know something no longer serves you, the only way is to make a change. It may be unhealthy relationships that keep you stuck in a rut; it may be unhealthy habits that keep you from living your best life. It may be a job that you dread every day but the idea of finding a new one is even worse.
Well, here’s what I say:
Step out of your comfort zone and make a change. Yes, it will be scary. No, you don’t know what will happen when you do. But is it really worth living your life the way it is right now? Aren’t you tired yet? When will you say enough is enough? Next year? The year after? In your 40s or in your 50s? What if it’s too late then?
I am not trying to scare you here; I am simply trying to wake you up. Time for that change that you’ve been thinking about is NOW.
And you know what? Even if you fail the first time, it’s okay! Because at least you tried. You stepped out of your comfort zone and you tried. Very few people can say they made it without trying and failing multiple times.
It took years of rejection before J.K Rowling finally published her first Harry Potter book, Steve Jobs dropped out of college only to become a tech innovator later in life. Steven Spielberg got rejected from USC’s film school three times, Walt Disney was told “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. Difficult to believe, isn’t it?
Here’s what I do when I know I need a change but I am too scared to do it. I stop listening to my logic. My brain will always find a way to convince me to stay in a safe track and not move on. But the heart knows better.
So once you know what you want to do, feel it in your heart, breath it in and go do it. Trust that once one door closes, another will open. Trust that you will get what you need and take a leap. Be flexible and open and the Universe will give you what you need.